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Tag: Berserk


Berserk’s Dark Aesthetic: The Gritty Realism of Miura’s World

Kentaro Miura’s masterful manga series, “Berserk,” is renowned for its dark and gritty aesthetic that immerses readers in a world of brutality, despair, and moral ambiguity. The manga’s visual style, coupled with its intricate storytelling, creates a unique and captivating experience that sets it apart from other dark fantasy works. In this article, we will...


The Dark Fantasy Genre: Evolution and Impact – A Post-Berserk Perspective

In the realm of literature and entertainment, the dark fantasy genre has undergone a profound transformation over the years, with one seminal work standing as a pivotal point in its evolution – Kentaro Miura’s magnum opus, “Berserk.” This iconic manga series, which ran from 1989 until Miura’s untimely passing in 2021, left an indelible mark...